- #National sewing machine company serial numbers serial numbers
- #National sewing machine company serial numbers serial number
- #National sewing machine company serial numbers series
gvs different named machines in operation (18.40) there are nearly 800 automatic machines in the Screw Department. Shots various stages in rod making (15.39) Here are some of the ingenious machines used in the making of various parts. s/u of machine (14.47) Drop forging Pitman rods. gvs of machinery in relation to size of steel parts (14.26) Embossing the steel plate. Applying transfer, trade name and decorative work to arms (14.07) Although not so large the steel parts of the sewing machine need massive machines in their manufacture. gvs of same and spraying assembled pieces (13.05) Nimble fingers then put on the well-known ornamentations. gvs stamping machine (11.40) Assembling the arm and bedplate.
#National sewing machine company serial numbers serial numbers
gvs of machine processes (11.19) Here is a curious machine typing the serial numbers on the bedplate. gvs of stamping machine (11.40) Assembling the arm and bedplate.

gvs of "rumbling" machine in operation (10.47) a number of machining operations are now performed on the arms. gvs same (9.54) After cooling, the castings are cleaned off in the great rumbling shop. Here are Balance Wheels being removed from their moulds. gvs of same (9.15) Other cast parts are prepared in a similar manner. gvs of the foundry shop floor (7.00) c/u of making of cast iron arms and shoulders for sewing machines (7.48) The moulds are now filled with molten metal. gvs barrels of molten iron being filled up (6.18) The foundry where over a million castings are made weekly. gvs of same (5.33) Tons of molten metal are used daily to make the main cast iron parts. Stacks of pig iron in yard (4.39) A section of the timber yard. gvs (3.59) Great quantities of raw materials are used daily.

Shot of the clock, pan down to workforce entering factory. of the hall (2.40) And Europe's largest Electric Clock calls those happy workers to their part in producing the world's finest sewing machines. Pan from vessel in yard across to factory (1.51) Adjoining the factory are the Singer recreation hall and playing fields. Pan from shipyard across rooftops to the factory (1.37) A telephoto view showing the giant "Queen Mary" under construction near the Singer factory. Shotlist: Ĭredits (.24) pan from river round to Singer factory (1.00) In this mighty factory, the largest of its kind in the world, Singer sewing machines are born. On the banks of the Clyde in Scotland is a mighty landmark. during normal working hours in their great factory. The following film was produced by the courtesy of the Singer Manufacturing Co. Preservation of this film supported by the National Heritage Memorial Fund.Ĭredits: Singer Sewing Machine Co.
#National sewing machine company serial numbers serial number
Here you can look up your serial number and find out when your Singer Sewing Machine was made as well as what model you have.Description: The manufacturing processes involved in making a Singer sewing machine at Clydebank, Glasgow, from its raw form of iron to the finished product packed and ready for export. Singer has recently pulled some of their dating and identification information from their website.
#National sewing machine company serial numbers series
Home Series Serial Numbers Singer Sewing Machine Company Series Serial NumbersSinger Sewing Machine Serial Number Database Singer Sewing Machine Serial Number Database When was my sewing machine made?